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Commerce Connection


The Chamber’s bi-monthly publication contains information on Chamber activities; issues of concern to the business community; new member updates; member news and a calendar of events. It is mailed to over 2,000 member businesses that employ more than 60,000 people and additional representatives. Marketing information can be found here. Have questions about marketing your business in the Commerce Connection, contact the Director of Marketing.


This weekly e-newsletter is distributed over 2,100 people via email. It contains up-to-date member news section and chamber program and event information. Sponsorship of e-Connection is available for as low as $100 a week.


Trends Report

This publication provides a statistical review of Champaign County. It is designed to assist Chamber members with forecasting and planning for their companies.

Advertising information can be found here. Have questions about marketing your business in the Trends Report, contact the Director of Marketing.